Ginger, onions and garlic (GOG)
Food is thy medicine
Here are three foods that can be helpful. These three are affordable and good for you. As with most things, too much is not a wise option. Eat and drink in moderation.
1) Ginger: Make ginger tea from scratch. If you would like the recipe, please let me know. It is easy to make. If it is not convenient to make the tea, then buy ready-made ginger tea. Drink the ginger tea warm two times a day. Ginger tea is good for raising body temperature. In addition, ginger can help with an upset tummy and nauseousness.
2) Raw onions: Add raw chopped onions to your meals. Raw onions are good for your lungs. Also onions have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
3). Raw garlic: Eating one to two cloves a day is good viral protection. Also, you can cut a section of garlic and smear under your nose for anti-viral protection. The nose guards the entrance to your body. Garlic can boost your immunity too.

This above highlights only a few benefits of this super trio: ginger, onions, and garlic. If adding these three to your daily diet, you can stay healthier. Food and diet advice is just one component of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.
We hope these food tips keep you well. Are you looking for something different with your health care? You might want to consider acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Chinese medicine has been in existence for over 2,500 years. Experience a holistic approach to your health with an experienced and licensed acupuncturist. Give us a call at (919) 803-2424.